2002, July 09. We are
glad to offer to our customers the cumulative discounts so
as to lower development costs of our permanent clients. With
large work amount you can save up to 30-50K USD yearly! More
2001, December 03.
We created our representative office in Denmark.
2001, October 17.
We offer additional discounts for
Web development services. If you need any web-oriented
system, iDeveloperNetwork will complete your order with minimal
costs! Please Contact
Us for more detail.
2001, September 23.
New 'Our Bonuses'
page is created. Now you can read about all our special bonuses
at one page.
2001, September, 10.
New 'Terms and Conditions'
section is opened at the site. This section describes our
working procedures to potential customers in very easy and
clear format.
2001, June, 15.
We offer 10-15% discount for the first task. Test
our quality for lower price!
2001, March 10.
We offer to our customers cost-effective
remote administering services. More information
you can get at the 'Our
Services' page.