iDeveloperNetwork offers to its clients a very
rich selection of services for software development and Web
sites design. Our Company important feature is the integrated
approach that we offer: our specialists will carry out all
operations necessary to obtain the final product.
Two main lines of our activity are currently as follows:
- software development (selection of optimal technologies,
system planning, prototype creation, system implementation,
testing, support, producing documentation, design, etc.)
- web sites design and development (domain registration
and optimal hosting or server configuration selection, site
concept creation, design of arbitrary complexity, model
pages creation, site programming, site assembling, testing,
updating, etc.).
Therefore it is possible for our Company to
become your sole partner to do all the necessary work for
you. In this case the only prerequisite for creating the final
product is you supplying us with the initial specifications.
The maximal rate on most of our services now
averages 20 USD/h. In most cases rate is even lower
(the exact price depends on many factors: complexity and the
size of the project, required skills, and so on). The prices
include full testing cycle for the developed software or web-site,
performed by Software Testing department of our Company.
For those customers who need some specialized
service we will be glad to offer such service exclusively.
Below you can see a detailed list of our services.
We hope you will find there everything you need.
Software Development
Our Company is capable to create any kind of
software for you - from GUI applications to sophisticated
engines and programming complexes.
Principal directions of our activities are
as follows:
- research and selection of the optimal technologies
- research of data domain and creation of detailed specifications
for a project
- creation of prototypes and demo versions
- system planning (selection of architecture, creation of
interaction protocols and technical specifications for separate
modules, etc.)
- system implementation (creation of specifications for
system modules, coding, QA)
- creation of project documentation (system architecture
and protocols description, source code detailed description
(in addition to built-in comments in code), etc.)
- creation of end-user documentation (Users Manual, Troubleshooting,
Installation Guide, etc.)
- product support (implementation of extra features, source
code consulting, etc.)
Main types of products to be created are as
- client-server applications
- GUI of arbitrary complexity level (including 3D, sound
application, etc.)
- application with sophisticated algorithms
- image processing applications
- system drivers (VxD, WDM, WinNT Sys drivers)
- back-end software for web-sites
- high-optimized server software
Detailed information on the employed technologies
can be found at Our
expertise page. You can see some of the Company implemented
projects in this line at Representative
Projects page.
Internet Based Software Development
We create systems for operation in Internet
(front-end and back-end applications). We are also able to
design (and test for reliability and performance) an interaction
protocol between client and server. The types of creative
work we offer here are the same as for Software Development.
The principal components of the systems to
be developed are as follows:
- WinNT/Win2000/Linux/Java server-side software
- Win9X/WinNT/Win2000/Java client-side software
- Java applets
- Java servlets
- Server-side scripts (ASP, CGI, PHP, C#)
- Complex dynamic HTML pages (DHTML)
The main types of products to be developed
are as follows:
- Online databases (including server-side scripts (CGI,
- Online games (Casino, multi-player games)
- E-commerce applications
- Sophisticated features for Web sites (interactive sites,
- Other
Detailed information on the employed technologies
can be found at Our
expertise page. You can see some of the Company implemented
projects in this line at Representative
Projects page.
Web Design And Development
We carry out the full set of work for Web
site creation.
Principal directions of our activities are
as follows:
- site concept design (content setup, User Controls positioning,
- design of pages (color/fonts theme, etc.)
- selection and design of site's pictures and graphic elements
- model pages creation
- creation of difficult to program site components (site
search, chat, forum, guestbook, online polls, etc.)
- selection of necessary site components (chat, forum, guestbook,
etc.) to implement on the basis of free programs (scripts)
or commercial products.
- site pages creation
- site assembling
- site support (addition/alteration of site content, design
remaking, HTML-code correcting work, etc.)
Software And Website Testing
Principal directions of our activities are
as follows:
- testing of Win32 (Win95/98, WinNT) applications.
- testing of Internet applications (via leased lines and
dial-up connection)
- testing of sites (site operation with different OS, browsers,
various color modes and resolutions; testing for validity
of links, testing site functionality (forms, guestbooks,
databases, etc.), HTML-code correcting).
You can see some of the Company implemented
projects in this line at the page Representative
Remote Administration Services
We are providing variety of remote administration services,
from setting up and part-time administration of you hosting
or dedicated server, to 24x7 administering and support for
set of Web, mail, database and DNS and other servers from
your network.
Principal directions of our activities are as follows:
- Setting up software on remote servers;
- Setting up hosting or dedicated servers;
- Remote administration of your servers (Unix-based, WinNT/2000);
- Remote administration of your database servers;
- Creating logical network structure;
- Analyzing and improving security of your servers.
If you have additional questions, we would be glad to advise
you personally. Our contact information can be found at our
page Contact Us.
See also: